Assessment Services
Capital Planning
Planning for timely replacement of mechanical and electrical assets is a key task in optimizing operational efficiency and managing disruption risk. At Building Innovation Inc., we can cost effectively prepare long term plans for capital renewal. Our team will evaluate timely replacement of assets, regulatory compliance issues, operations and maintenance implications, system performance issues, and energy efficiency implications.
Condition Assessment/Reserve Fund Studies
When it comes time to replace mechanical and electrical equipment in your facility, it is important to have sufficient funds reserved to pay for upgrades. Replacement cost estimates based on formulas or simplified assumptions often miss significant cost components caused by constructability or compliance issues. We’ll use our expertise in regulatory issues, and construction planning to assist you in preparing condition assessments and accurate reserve funds.
Energy Modelling
Understanding how your facility uses energy is critical to assessing performance of existing systems, and evaluating utility cost implications of proposed changes. Our team is experienced in performing a range of utility modeling activities including:
- ASHRAE Guideline 14 and IPMVP compliant modelling
- Utility data error correction
- Post retrofit variance analysis
- Scatter plot analysis
- Hourly load profile analysis
- Data consolidation/extraction from various data sources.
- AEE, CMVP certified professionals
- Building simulation (eQuest, EE4, Trace700)
Life Cycle Analysis
When comparing the relative financial benefits of alternate project scenarios, a life cycle analysis is critical to quantify the impacts that equipment longevity, irregular maintenance events, and the time value of money have on project economics. Our team can evaluate and present life cycle analysis for project scenarios to help you make better project decisions.
Feasibility Studies
Retrofitting mechanical and electrical systems in occupied buildings raises many complex issues including impact of work on related systems, impact on code or regulatory requirements, decisions on phase-in approaches to minimize disruption, impact on operating costs, not to mention cost and schedule evaluation. Building Innovation Inc. can prepare feasibility studies that investigate all of these issues and present options in a clear, simple manner to help you and other project stakeholders make the right decisions.
Code Reviews and Variance Applications
Meeting regulatory requirements for retrofit projects are complicated by issues relating to work boundaries, and historical grandfathering. Authorities in different jurisdictions may interpret requirements differently. Our code reviews address potential areas of noncompliance, as well as discuss risk and approaches for cost reduction.
Incentive Applications
Utilities and all levels of government have been involved in providing incentive programs to make it more financially attractive to incorporate energy savings measures into projects. BII has been involved with evaluating, recommending, and managing the application process for programs at all levels of government and utilities. Potential project delays, performance risks, and costs of application are all factors that should be considered, in addition to incentive amounts, when making decisions about incentive choices.
Intrusive/Non-intrusive Testing
Testing and measurement activities are critical to providing objective, measured data that informs decisions and recommendations. BII has experience implementing testing activities in a variety of approaches ranging from internally managed to developing detailed test specifications for third party contractors.
Control System Review
The performance of a building’s mechanical and electrical systems depends on the quality of the digital control system design, implementation, and maintenance. BII offers a variety of digital control system assessment services ranging from field testing to detailed programming review. BII’s expertise in these systems can help you make the best decisions for repairing, replacing, or upgrading these systems.